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Journalist Encounter - Zoe Monk, Editor of Boutique Hotelier (previously Hotel Business)

This week Sublime PR is delighted to have interviewed journalist and editor Zoe Monk to find out what she thinks of PR people, hot topics, Sublime PR and more.  Here is what she told us...


Sublime PR: What is your job title?

Zoe: Editor.

Sublime PR: What magazines do you write for?

Zoe: Boutique Hotelier

Sublime PR: What is your PR pet peeve?

Zoe: Getting follow up phone calls every day after putting up a response source - if I haven't got back to you, then it probably wasn't what I was looking for; I don't often miss things and don't always have time to reply to everyone unfortunately. Another one would be when I request information and PRs suggest something completely irrelevant to feature, it leaves me a bit baffled!

Sublime PR: Do you prefer a phone pitch from PRs or an email?

Zoe: I do prefer email, but sometimes I can easily sort something out much quicker on the phone, especially if the PR can then deliver exactly what I want and pop it straight into my inbox. Sometimes a phone call just simply helps to get the job done faster. 

Sublime PR: How many emails/phone calls do you receive from PRs every day?

Zoe: Phone calls, I'd say about 5 or 6 and emails probably around 100-150, so it can get a bit crazy! 

Sublime PR: How do you read the news - via newspapers, TV, radio or online?

Zoe: I read the MailOnline religiously - just like everyone else in my office! But I still love reading magazines and will buy Glamour, Wanderlust and Great British Food magazine straight from the news stand. I also rarely function without my daily dose of Daybreak in the morning, which is a good way to catch the news before I head out the door.  

Sublime PR: What newspapers or magazines do you read?

Zoe: See above.

Sublime PR: Are you a regular Tweeter and can PRs contact you via Twitter?

Zoe: I do tweet regularly, although usually about food I've eaten or reality TV shows I'm watching, so nothing hugely insightful and thought provoking! Yes PRs can definitely contact me via Twitter.  You can also visit my blog at:

Sublime PR: What is your top tip for businesses wanting to get coverage?

Zoe: Don't write long detailed emails and then ring me two weeks later to see if I received it - chances are I won't remember it. I'd say start with a punchy line and some facts and stats as well as bullet points detailing where you see your client fitting into the magazine.

Sublime PR: What is really grabbing your attention in the industry at the moment?

Zoe: I love hearing stories of how the industry is growing and more hotels are opening up and developing, even as a result of the tough economic times. It's also really interesting to hear about all the apprenticeship programmes running with major hotel groups, who are working to inspire the next generation and get kids really passionate about hospitality.

Sublime PR: How important is a good image or video for a news story?

Zoe: I think it's really important - it can make or break a story sometimes.

Sublime PR: What are your passions, interests and hobbies?

Zoe: Outside of writing, I love playing netball and going to a few gym classes, although it doesn't help that my gym is located directly opposite a McDonalds! I also love travelling, exploring different parts of the UK and going on city breaks within Europe. I also like cooking and adding new meal recipes to my repertoire.

Sublime PR: What is your overall impression of dealing with Sublime PR to date?

Zoe: Natalie has been consistently great - she never misses a deadline, provides good descriptive copy that is generic (really important for editorial inclusion) and sends me relevant information as and when. Keep up the good work!


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